Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Feeling the Love!

Hey Guys,

You all know that Rob is always on me to blog and get re-focused ... now Brian P. is also one of my life coaches (that's what I call Rob)! You guys & gals are the best! I really, truly plan to get going seriously January 1, 2008. The number 8 represents new beginning and both me and my husband have a lot of new beginnings we are preparing for and my weightloss/life change is definitely at the top of the list! It makes me feel so good to have you all in my corner encouraging me to do better and scolding me when I'm bad. May the good Lord Bless ALL of you and your families this Christmas Season; I'm sure all of our "New Beginnings" are right in front of us all we have to do is reach out and grab it!




Rob Tucker said...

Glad to hear you blogging again - now make it a habit instead of popping in every once in a while. I'm being totally honest and serious with you when I say that blogging DAILY will help you SO much.

So why wait until the 8th? Start now - rededicate yourself. I'll do everything I can to help you reach your goals. The longer you wait, the longer it takes you to succeed. You're one of the strongest women I know - show this thing who is BOSS!

Anonymous said...

Alright Tamika! The sooner, the better but at least you have a goal in mind. That's great! I cannot wait to see your progress in the future.

Brian said...

can't wait to see you succeed!

Brian said...

Hi Tamika,
How was your holiday? I hope it went well for you and your family.

Now the new year is here and I can't wait to see you start to meet some of your goals.

Anonymous said...

where are you???