Monday, December 10, 2007

Missing in Action!

Hey Guys,

Rob has been dogging me out for not blogging and truthfully I have been dogging myself out about it! I was too embarrassed to admit I had fallen off the band wagon so I stayed away. This is so weird for me because I am so confident about every other area in my left; definitely a go getter and not afraid of anything. This weight loss battle has been the story of my life as I'm sure most of you can relate to that statement. I am doing fine for those of you who were concerned about me; I am just working on refocusing. I know, I know there is nothing to it, but to do it! Don't give up on me yet!


Rob Tucker said...

Tamika, I'm glad that I got you to blog (even if I had to literally be over your shoulder FORCING you to).

Read my blog I posted tonight (last night by the time you read it). You'll see what I mean about a supportive group.

No worries about anyone getting on your ass - where you are, we've all been - many, many times. Just know that sticking to it - and blogging even when your day wasn't the best eating-wise, you'll find a good support group goes a long way.

Hang in there, I know you want it. You're one of the most strong women I've ever met in my life - I don't doubt that if you REALLY give it 100%, you'll win this battle. You just really have to OWN it, and not take it so casually. I'll help you as much as I can.

Kristen said...

We are here for you. We've all been through it to some extent, and we understand that things happen (still happens to me all the time). Just gotta get back up and keep fighting.

Anonymous said...

Everyone falls off the horse every now and again. The important thing is that you get back on. How much do you want this? Figure that out and then make a plan, and in no time you'll be seeing results.

You can do this.

Anonymous said...

YOU CAN DO IT! I missed your blog, good to see you jumping back on the horse!

Can't wait to read the next blog...

Jim McCoy said...

Alright, Tamika you fell off the wagon. Here's the good news: I saved your spot while you were gone. Jump back on, fasten your seatbelt so you don't fall off again, and let's get this thing moving forward!

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back, Tamika! It's tough admitting that we've fallen off the wagon. It's even harder to get back on. As long as you get back on, though and keep moving forward, you're winning. I hope to see more blogs from ya! Get back up, dust yourself off and keep going. It doesn't get much simpler than that. :)

billy said...

Don't give up on yourself.